\version "2.12.1" \score { \new PianoStaff << % No curly bracket at the start of the staves, thank you \set GrandStaff.systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBar % Set tempo for MIDI output but don't include it in the printed score \tempo 4=90 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \new Staff { \time 8/4 \clef treble \relative c'' { \new Voice { \ottava #1 \stemUp % TODO Second b is maybe f gis'16 e' fis b, fis4 gis!16 e' fis! b, b'4 % TODO 2nd half may be two voices e,16 b' d, b e4 fis,!16 b e b fis'!4 fis16 b, d-+ fis, d4-+ d'16 fis,! b d, b4 % second d may be d# (?) b'16 d, fis! b, d' fis,! b d, b8 fis'! d' b' } } } \new Staff { \time 8/4 \clef treble \relative c'' { \new Voice { \ottava #1 e'2 fis, gis d | s1*2 } } } \new Staff { \time 8/4 \clef bass \relative c { \new Voice { s1*2 | b2 fis'4 d' d1 } } } >> \layout { indent = #0 } \midi { } }