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Delia's papers contain eleven pages of notes for something she calls Magic Box, which consists of new music and reworked versions of Aztec and French Eyes.

The 11 pages may correspond to 11 tape reels, or to a suite of 11 musical moments for a programme or an event.



  • _Foo_ means that Foo is underlined
  • ^d^ means that the "d" is superscripted: "reptd.
    • rept^d^.: "repeated"
    • sust^d^.: "sustained"
  • bd.: "band"
  • b/g: "background"
  • f/b: "feedback"
  • h/b: "heartbeat"
  • P. A. & st.: ???
  • perc.: "percussion" or "percussive"
  • sh.: ???


[1] MAGIC BOX [O] = Angels
1. Long atmos. track: "Lost, modern, structural": Ring mod. mid. freq. chords + P.A.St.f/b, Bosh[?] perc. phrases
2. Ring mod. chords w. P.A.St. f/b &arrowup; & &arrowdown;
   Component for "drifting in a lost galaxy"
3. Ditto + delay & f/b.
   "Weightlessly walking thro' threatening space factory"
4. M/Cs. - Off beat rhythmic ticks/bleeps
5. "ditto double speed"
6. "ditto low pitch"
7. " " " " slower - accels.
8. gentle high bleep sh. - accels.
9. Thicker version of bd. 2 - use at slightly slower speed.
10. Like bd. 2


[2] "Evenings' type"
    Reflective, nostalgic, domestic, old fashioned
1. Elec. strings & piano - could be slowed
2. [[Cubist]] type (P A St. + delay) treated guit - " " " Short
   time passing, happy OR mechanical hens feeding (Russian toys)
   OR satis. after sch.
3. " " " " - goes low "
4. " " " " - high "


1 - _[[Planetarium]]_ type - or _forests & wolves_
2 - Boshes thick mix as in [|] (O) [French eyes]
    Component for architecture
3 - " thin mix
4 - v. thin basic
5 - * Patterned ditto
6 - Elec. knockings: Industrial archeology?
7 - S.F. "Green lampshade" Ring mod. phrase rep^d^.
8 - Sust^d^. " " high
9 - " " " low
10 - Ring mod. - Green chord
Red yellow
                    11 or 13 time.
11 - Low git. - one note rep^d^. [at 7½, pood[?] dark b/g sh.]
12 - High z. - sh. 11 &/or 13 time
13 - mid. ring mod. sust^d^. -green
14* - Rh. mix 11 time - bass & clap
15 - Green phrase
16 - Low perc. off beat sh. temple blocks


[4] Peaceful. modern
1 - v. beaut. green ring mod. mixes "Giacomatti"
   "walk thro' modern sculpture gallery or gardens"
2 - ditto thinner: "glimpses into " " " " thro' glass"
3 - " "
4 - low perc. [valves?] - gentle
5 -  "   "  + low git. - strange mix not good
                        weird - evil.


[5] _Low git._
                                          "Footsteps of mountain giant"
 1. Low git. phased - 2 tones alternating  "Teutonic"
 2.  "   "     "      "      "   uneven sh. at first
[3. (pink tape)  rising sust^d^.
[4.   "    "
 5. Low git. b/w. phased                  "insidious, industrial"
                                         "coming round from gas"
 6.  "   "    "      "


[6] _Arctic_   [ snow wind
               [ low git.
               [ organ


[7] _Arctic_   [ Organ m/u
               [ High Organ
               [ Liver-type - Dreams + Fr.Eyes tog. + Dr. alone


[8]            [ Aztec
               [ Gongy[?] for Gods[?]
               [ conches
               [ low perc.


[9] ["Aztec"] [ large animals  low speed ]
              [ insects - - high         ]
              [ Tribal, archetypal       ]
   1. "Rising doom"   v.low voice chords gliss.
                      v. slow h/b.
   2. low voice chords gliss down    "Near extinction?"       "sounds like
      + h/b, v.slow "doom drum"                                aeroplanes"
Blue                                                      "protection-womb-cave"
   3. "Doom drum"
   4. "Snake hiss" (preceded by & followed by low git)
Red blue
   5. Low minor mew[?], semitone gliss
   6.  "    "    "
   7. Single sustained slowed v.low voice note

   8. Voice chords mix - "disturbed" low sustained glisses

   9. See bd.7

   10. "    "  up a tone


[10] Aztec


[11] Aztec
     & French Eyes
                                                 bad quality -
1. Magic tune  "New Worlds" beaut., reflective - needs accompanying tracks

2. Water, wind, descending
3.   "      "      "   longer, better mix
                      with -- later (+ hum) - used fr. red mark
4. Boshes mix [Fr.Eyes] - v. thick + descending delay
5.    "    "                  "       "   _v. beaut._