% This is the lilypond source file for "Le Pont Mirabeau" by Delia Derbyshire, % created by Martin Guy , November 2011 from the % scores in her papers. % For info on this language and the program to convert it to PDF and MIDI files % see http://lilypond.org % For further info on this piece of music % see http://wiki.delia-derbyshire.net/index.php?title=Le_Pont_Mirabeau \version "2.14.2" \header { title = "Le Pont Mirabeau" % We abuse the category names to get three lines composer = "Words: Apollinaire" arranger = "Music: Delia Derbyshire" opus = "August 1968" tagline = "" } verseImelody = \relative c' { \stemUp \autoBeamOff c='4 d e f g8 a8 g4 ~ g2 d4 e2. \stemDown c'4 b \stemUp a \slurDown fis( g8) e c e g4 a b ~ b2. c,4 d8 e f g f4 d e c cis2( d dis4 e2.) \break } verseIupperbass = \relative c' { \stemUp c4 c4. b8 a2 b8 c b4 g2 c2. a2 c4 c4. \autoBeamOff e,8 \autoBeamOn c e g4 a b ~ b2. c='4 c4. b8 a b c4 g8 a b4 a2 f b4 gis2. } verseIlowerbass = \relative c' { \stemDown c,=4 c2 c4 c2 c4 c2 c2 c4 f2 f4 e4. \autoBeamOff e8 \autoBeamOn c e g4 a b ~ b2. c,4 c2 c4 c2 c4 a2 d2 b4 e2. } verseIlyrics = \lyricmode { Un- der the Pont Mi- ra- beau __ the Seine Flows with our loves must I re- call a- gain __ Joy al- ways used to fol- low af- ter pain __ } chorusmelody = \relative c' { \stemUp \tieUp \slurUp \autoBeamOff \override Rest #'direction = #up % lilypond 2.14.2 warns "too many colliding rests" here and below but % that's a bug https://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1547 d'2\rest c,8. c16 gis'2 a4 ~ a4 d2\rest d4\rest c,4. c8 fis4( g2) ~ \break g2 b4 b( c) a g2 e4 a f2 d( e4) ~ e2. \bar "||" } chorusmelodyb = \relative c' { \stemDown \tieDown \autoBeamOff \override Rest #'direction = #up c='2\rest c8. c16 e2 f4 ~ f4 c2\rest d4\rest a'4. f8 e2. ~ e2 gis4 g!2 d4 d c e f d2 b2 c4 ~ c2. } chorusupperbass = \relative c' { \stemUp \tieUp \override Rest #'direction = #down g2.\rest c2 c4 ~ c4 c2 c2. c2. c2 c4 c2 c4 c2 c4 d c2 c2 c4 ~ c2. } choruslowerbass = \relative c' { \stemDown \tieDown \override Rest #'direction = #down a,2.\rest f'=4 f f f f f f f f c c c c c f! e2 f4 e2 c4 c c c c c c ~ c2. } choruslyrics = \lyricmode { Let the night come __ Strike the hour The days __ go by while I stand here __ } verseIImelody = \relative c' { \stemUp \autoBeamOff c='4 d e f2 fis4 g8 a8 g4 d dis( e2) | \stemDown c'4 b \stemUp a | g2 e4 gis( a) f e8 c d2 d4 e fis g a8 fis g4 ~ g d f! e2( fis4) ~ fis2. \bar "||" } verseIIupperbass = \relative c' { \stemUp \tieUp c4 c4. b8 a b16 c b4 a8 c b4 b d c2 c4 | a2 c4 c4 g c c2 c4 c c8 a b4 | d2 c4 b2 c8 a b2. b2 dis4 ~ dis2. } verseIIlowerbass = \relative c' { \stemDown \tieDown c,=4 c2 c4 c2 c4 c2 c2 c4 | f2 f4 e2 c4 f2 a4 g2. | b2 a4 g2. ~ g2. e2 b'4 ~ b2. } verseIIlyrics = \lyricmode { Love runs a- way like run- ning wa- ter flows Time past is gone can love come back a- gain Un- der the Pont Mi- ra- beau __ flows the Seine __ } \paper { % Don't print page numbers printpagenumber = ##f % Don't indent the first line of the score indent = #0 } % Don't print bar numbers \layout { \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } } \score { { % "\with..." is necessary to get lyrics above the first line of notes. \new PianoStaff \with { \accepts Lyrics } << % No curly bracket at the start of the staves, thank you \set GrandStaff.systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBar % Set lyrics above the score \new Lyrics = lyrics { } % Treble staff of entire piece \new Staff { % Set tempo for MIDI output but don't include it in the printed score \tempo 4=130 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \time 3/4 \key c \major \clef treble \mark "VERSE I" \new Voice = verseI { \verseImelody } \break \mark "CHORUS" \context Staff << \new Voice = chorus { \chorusmelody } \new Voice { \chorusmelodyb } >> \break \mark "VERSE II" \new Voice = verseII { \verseIImelody } } % Bass staff of entire piece \new Staff { \time 3/4 \key c \major \clef bass % VERSE I \context Staff << \new Voice { \verseIupperbass } \new Voice { \verseIlowerbass } >> % CHORUS \context Staff << \new Voice { \chorusupperbass } \new Voice { \choruslowerbass } >> % VERSE II \context Staff << \new Voice { \verseIIupperbass } \new Voice { \verseIIlowerbass \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT \override Score.RehearsalMark #'direction = #DOWN \mark "CHORUS" } >> } \context Lyrics = lyrics \lyricsto verseI { \verseIlyrics } \context Lyrics = lyrics \lyricsto chorus { \choruslyrics } \context Lyrics = lyrics \lyricsto verseII { \verseIIlyrics } >> } \midi {} \layout {} }