% This is the Lilypond source for score fragment "Easter 64" by Delia Derbyshire % created by Martin Guy % For further info see http://wikidelia.net/wiki/Easter_64 \version "2.16.2" \header { title = "Easter 64 (melody on page 1, first 11 bars)" composer = "Delia Derbyshire" tagline = "Typeset from Delia's score with Lilypond by Martin Guy. See http://wikidelia-net/wiki/Easter_64" } global = { % Don't print the time signature, as there isn't one. \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f % Print accidentals on all sharp/flat notes and nothing on naturals. % This seems to be the style in which Delia wrote the score. \accidentalStyle forget \key c \major } Melody = \new Voice \relative c'' { \time 4/4 r4 e4 b8 c8 cis4 | \time 10/4 r4 fis4 cis8 d dis4 c cis r4 e4 b8 c8 cis4 | \time 6/4 r4 fis4 cis8 d dis4 4 4 | % line 2 \time 4/4 r4 gis'4 dis8 e f4 | \time 6/4 r4 bes f8 fis g4 e f || \time 4/4 r4 gis dis8 e f4 | \time 6/4 r4 bes4 f8 fis g4 4 | % line 3 \time 8/4 r4 c'4 g8 gis8 a4 fis g e fis | \time 6/4 2. 2. | \time 8/4 r4 d'4 a8 ais b4 gis a fis g | \time 6/4 2. 2. | } \paper { % Don't indent the first line of the score indent = #0 } \score { \new Staff { \global \clef treble \tempo 4=120 % Unknown tempo; default of 60 sound ponderous \new Voice { \Melody } } \midi {} \layout {} }