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Revision as of 13:01, 29 May 2016 by Martinwguy (talk | contribs)
DD140448 is a sheet of Delia's handwritten plan for a piece of music for the Greenwich Macbeth.
remember they have to pitch [A] organ - low reed - waw_waw_ high celeste to (13) [C] [3] perc. twangy organ type + Annette's voice on tape, v. treated, inhuman, animal. [D] <<< >>> P.2 "solo[?] & piano" | | [minim followed by crochet] O / 12 bars voice-like chords. [E] more perc. 16 P.3 | | [F] 24 bars organ for O. + perc. org. for /'s P.4. celeste on bar 21 [G] as full as poss. - perc. org.- vocal chords - Org. pedal at end - thunderous - =============================================================================0 Evil, Manson - hideous - grotesque erotic_ | | grunting on 3 / / changing in pitch_ at [F] -