From WikiDelia
Revision as of 03:50, 7 December 2012 by Martinwguy (talk | contribs)
DD081401 is a sheet of Deilia's notes for The Living World.
Try having wind OR Cuc before. Make curlew in time. Roar at 5 secs. open atmos - _wild & lonely_ + wind antarctic wolf howl bell bird - pick up - elec. 62.2 end with [thi?]. 5.7 ----- 67.9 11.8 -. 11.8 14 | 14 15½ | 15.5 13¼ -' 13.3 7.7 7.7 6.2 6.2 ----- ----- 5.9 5.6 5)68.5 15.9 ----- 11.8 68.5 13.7 2.95 ---- ------ 14.75 590 88. 13.7 --- x ---- x 590 705 73.6 2 13.7 ----- 59 14.4 590 ---- 88 1233 = < 5 beats ---- 685 4720 ---- 2½ beats 472 7053 ------- 73.6 ------ 705)51920 4935 ---- 2570 2115 ----- 4550 4230