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DD074527 is a page of Delia's appointments from 26th April to 7th May 1963 regarding three pieces:
- Oliver Twist for Richard Wortley ("R.W.")
- Speech for John Parry ("J.P.") and
- F. Y. in T. for David Lyttler ("D.L.")
Though the sheet itself doesn't give a year, other papers for F. Y. in T. date this sheet to 1963.
Fri 26th April F.Y in T. |Mon \ | 29th April | |Tues | 1 x FYinT phone Richard Wortley | 30th April \ Oliver Twist 1st rec. 8th May - & he will come to listen |Wed. / 2 x O.T. ------------ before then | 1st May | |Thurs | 1 x speech Speech 3rd May -- John Parry coming for the | 2nd May / ------ morning to listen to experiments. |Fri | 3rd May -- J.P. F Y in T. rec. 9th May - | speech. --------- 6th May 3p.m. David Lyttler coming. |Mon. | 6th May -- D.L. -------------------------------------------------------------- F.Y. in T. \Tues In fact: F Y in T :- 26.4.63 \ 7th May. -- R.W. 29.4.63 - 3.30 -- 9.30 ------------------------- 30.4.63 - 1 hr. O.T. :- 30.4.63 - afternoon 1.5. - all day 3.5. - ½ hr. [There follow calculations and tables of figures]