From WikiDelia
DD113258 is a sheet of Delia's manuscript dated 6th March 1966 and entitled "Martinis", which is probably the working title for "Ape and Essence (Ninety Double Martinis)", which was broadcast on the 18th May 1966.
Delia's markings on the manuscript read:
6.3.66 (1) Martinis fast - slow - fast Piles of 5ths a semitone apart write c. pt.on[?] CONS: contains- major 3rds, no min. 3rds, 5ths, wh. tones Romantic using only maj. 3rds + wh. tones would ????? D# major poss. dissonant intervals DISS* maj. is "major" * wh. tones is "whole tones"