From WikiDelia
DD102148 is a letter dated 21st July 1970 to Delia "herewith cheque for Poetry from Prison..."
24 Sydney Street, London SW3 21st July, 1970 Dear Delia, Herewith a cheque in payment for 'Poetry from Prison': £80 for you, and £5 in addition, which you advanced to Hedley. Since I have no note of Hedley's address, I'm enclosing a note plus cheque for him. Could you be very kind and forward it, please? I have paid John E. Moore for the hire of the sound-equipment, but have not paid the sound engineer for that night. Do you know his name, and the means of getting in touch with him? I propose to pay him £12:12:0, as this is what I paid the other sound engineer (who did the subsequent programmes) for each of the evenings he worked for me. I imagine that will be all right= I loved doing the programme with you, and I hope very much that there will be opportunities to work together again. I'll try to pin down my partner in Turret, Bernard Stone, on the subject of doing a limited edition record; he seemed to think it was a good idea, but is still a bit vague about _when_. love, TM [?]