From WikiDelia
Jump to navigationJump to searchDD094123 is Delia's handwritten sheet of cues for Act I of The Cloud.
It continues on DD094131.
cloud 1 double speed 2 normal 1 1/3; secs echo \3 cloud 3 normal & half speed. ----------- 1. He will -- in September retake 4 He will stand [ use first ending ] A building on a hill--sky ] | --- it[?] will hear their voices | End of takes.| take 2 ------ P.6. We will see them -- husband saw the men[?]" " " -- speak to him ---- P.8. Yes he will nod[?] -9 -- voices of the men. -------- P.10. And he will[?] leave the room. _______ P.11. & he will speak to her.