From WikiDelia
Jump to navigationJump to searchDD103529 is the typewritten text of a poem by Mary Queen of Scots, that Delia may have set to music for Poets in Prison.
Mary Queen of Scots (written on the morning of her execution) O Domine Deus! Speravi in Te, O care mi Iesu! nunc libera me. In durâ catenâ, in misera poenâ, desidero te; Languendo, gemendo, et genu flectendo, Adoro, imploro, ut liberes me! translation: ---------- My Lord and my God, I have hoped in Thee, O Jesu, sweet saviour now liberate me; I have languished for Thee in afflictions and chains, Through long years of anguish and bodily pains, Adoring, imploring, on humbly bowed knee, I crave of thy mercy to liberate me!