From WikiDelia
Jump to navigationJump to searchDD145 is the Initial Catalogue number of one of Delia's Attic Tapes, containing Brian Hodgson's backgrounds for the Doctor Who TV series.
Mark Ayres' notes
Type: 7" reel, 1/4" tape Label: BHBG Copy Description: Various Brian Hodgson Dr Who backgrounds, montage.
Louis Niebur's notes
DD145 Brian’s Backgrounds :00- simple pitches, repeated at intervals an octave above in unsynchronized loops, and irregular pulse underneath (Capsule Oscillation: Dalek Destructor Fuse/Bomb Countdown), but extended. 1:06 explosion (thunder) 1:21 space texture (used in Dr. Who) stereo, tomorrow people 3:34 blubs gloops, like water, and wind. Ends 5:44 5:44 continues after the fade at 5:44, with swoops, fades again at 6:06 6:09 control room sounding bleeps and blips, turns into atmospheres 11:30 whooshing sounds start (but still one continuous track from before) 13:00 returns to opening space texture, but sped up slightly. Ends 14:15
James Percival's notes
CDD/1/8/6 Brian Hodgson backgrounds Doctor Who backgrounds by Brian Hodgson FORMER REFERENCE: DD145 CONTAINS: Doctor Who MEDIUM: 7" reel, ¼" tape DURATION: 00:14:18 LABELS: [Reel label:] BHBG COPY NOTES: Various Brian Hodgson Doctor Who backgrounds; a montage.