From WikiDelia
Jump to navigationJump to searchDD152618 is a sheet of Delia's handwritten notes for The Naked Sun.
Doors - lifted M1 M2 Capsule - lifted RED needs copying + ITC use this for P.27, Gr's death. pen ult. this should be M7a Stab (rips off shirt) (lifted) \o with dead end RED M5 Conversation room - (2nd ½ of misc. mus.) M8 Suspense baby farm (lifted b/w) M9 foetal lab (mixed fr. 1st ½ at 15 & 2nd at 7½ M10 pre-arrow (5 lifted) 1st one arrow use 1st arrow - 1st 5 lifted shorter \o ends dead poot[?] arrow - 3 lifted M15 arm crushes down (lifted M17 Leebig (lifted 1st part good don't use musical part dramatic ending dead. 2 separate sets of tapes for each day: music & effects (Door Arrow)