From WikiDelia
Jump to navigationJump to searchDD152702 is a sheet of handwritten notes for Delia's music and effects for The Naked Sun.
The continuation sheet is DD152714.
Tues 23rd --------- "beautiful bird babies" --------------------- - | wob. used to de-mod. P.A.Stab., c.2-K/cs_ Technique | used to give different wob.ing notes fr K.U. oscs. | 4 oscs. in suitable range keyed fairly randomly | with atts. 3, decs 4. app. This gives basic. | 1st stage treatment is replaying (at ½ spe?) (b/w) | with Ph./Temp.a rec/rep loop (pitch + [maj?]) | 2nd stage: ½ sp. [agar?] + Ph.15 f/b_ etc - - | Very changing basic freq. but controlled (4 gliss oscs) Theory | " " + additional tempophon rises | incidence of notes " - pattern | (1 sec. swing of wob.) | (+ temp.a loop length) | " " loudness but within limits | (attack + decay) & with pattern | constant rate of glissando. - 1. Try same technique to get complex powerful sounds - Either starting very high & slowing down for slow glisses, or using P.A. Stns £/h. Jess Palmer cont. -> on 2-2-30 C1 East Tower ====== 3-3-30 Tues " " 743 2-5-30 Wed. A Ealing 2774