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Jump to navigationJump to searchDD155145 is a list of BBC Radiophonic Workshop works from 1959 to 1963.
The first sheet of this document is DD155044 and the next sheet is DD155201
- 5 - CATALOGUE OF WORKS ------------------ The very considerable output of the Radiophonic Workshop is for the most part applied sound rather than pure electronic music. Whilst signatures and interval signals are created, the output consists mainly of sounds and music for dramatic and educational productions both on radio and television, a large proportion fo the work for television being transferred to, and synchronised with, film. The Radiophonic Workshop keeps a library of sounds and music it has produced but the complete productions of which they formed a part may no longer exist unless they have been selected for retention as being of special interest e.g. :- Composer Title Duration 1st Broadcast -------- ----- -------- ------------- All the Fall 1 h BBC Third (Samuel Beckett) 13.1.57 The Disagreeable Oysert 45' BBC Third (Giles Cooper) 15.8.57 Private Dreams and Public Nightmares 20' BBC Third (Frederick Bradnum) 7.10.57 Under the Loofah Tree 45' BBC Third (Giles Cooper) 3.8.58 ANDRE ALMURO Creation of the Animals 20' BBC Third (Jules Supervielle) 22.8.58 Embers 1 h BBC Third (Samuel Beckett) 24.6.59 Italia Prize 1959 ROBERTO GERHARD Asylum Diary 1h 15' BBC Third (Christine Lavant) 10.11.59