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Don Haworth is the programme's producer.
TRW 4060 Time on our hands ----------------- - Don Haworth, Manchester 3. The Future ---------- -20th August on 1987 1. P.1. / sea (tide sound) | MS tide & feet - Electronic music Established [spoken? broken?] voice 25" < LS children approach "Children of our time, no toil, | MS track _ need never be unhappy, but what \ LS Children on horizon to do with time?" lyrical | Titles. Time on out Hands 8" < the years of Music alone. " | transformation. 8" { [Merge?] into Traffic & BB. 1962. 2. 60" | New City of Holyhead, human triumph sc.17. | skyscrapers & refineries. | Great triumph 3. : | Ma???? of new universities. Voice & " " sc.38 | Great Triumph repeat music 2. 4 30" | Factories that run themselves. dehuman triumph sc.54 | Dehumanised. Triumph but sinister. 5. 55" Rocket takes off, taking sc.62- spaceman to job in Mars. Rocket, human triumph 65 Faces look up: rocket in sky to earth from rocket. Children merely glance up from beach. lyrical.