From WikiDelia
Jump to navigationJump to searchDD195 is the Initial Catalogue number of one of Delia's Attic Tapes, containing the master and the makeup tracks for London Lemons.
Mark Ayres' notes
Type: 5" reel, 1/4" tape Label: London Lemons, Master & Makeup Description: Unit Delta Plus?
Louis Niebur's notes
DD195 – London Lemons Master Various elements of London Lemons, in different keys DON’T PLAY: VERY STICKY
James Percival's notes
CDD/1/5/16 London Lemons Master and makeup FORMER REFERENCE: DD195 CONTAINS: London Lemons, ESL104 Electronic MEDIUM: 5" reel, ¼" tape DURATION: 00:03:29 LABELS: [Box with removed UDP label:] LONDON LEMONS / MASTER & M/U / LIST IN F ILE [Reel label:] LONDON LEMONS / MASTER & M/U NOTES: 3 master versions on this reel, each with distinct elements. Rest of tape contains speed transpositions of these versions and makeup elements/solo melody versions. Sticky tape; not in playable condition.