From WikiDelia
Jump to navigationJump to searchIn 1972, Delia provided music for four programmes about Egypt:
- Music of Africa - Tutankhamun's Trumpet for a radio programme by Jack Aistrop whose tape is dated March 1972
- Tutankhamun's Egypt, broadcast on 2nd April 1972
- Egypt Series, broadcast on 4th June 1972
- the Egypt item in a BBC one-off programme Chronicle Magazine: Egypt, Rome and Britain, broadcast on the 25th August 1972.[1]
The musical relationship between all these works is unclear.
Delia produced at least four Egyptian-themed works in 1972. These are the tapes for all of them.
- TRW 7529: "Egypt Series" dated January 1972, TX 4-6/72 [April-June 1972]
- TRW 7568: "Music of Africa - Tutankhamun's Trumpet" dated March 1972.
- DD058: 16mm film silent print of Tutankhamun Obelisk Erection
- DD078: (maybe) "Male drone: Used in Tutankhamun piece?"
- DD125 may contain makeup material for this.
- DD160: "Egypt. Copy master Opening and Programme 1"
- DD161: "Tutankhamun's Egypt - New Cues"
- DD212: "Egypt title music etc"
- DD213: "Egypt - Trumpet Melange Speed Change Tape"
- DD214: "Egypt Hymns to the Nile"
- DD217: "Egypt Reel 3 master"
- DD237: "Scribes, Hieroglyphs"
- DD238: Egypt material including a different treatment of the trumpet sound
- DD247: "Tutankhamun's Trumpet sounds"
- DD248: Material for programme 10: "Art and Artisans".
- DD250: Master tape for Tutankhamun's Egypt, programme 2.
- DD251: Flutey makeup tracks, probably for programme 10.
- DD252: "Tutankhamun's Trumpet"
- DD253: Makeup tracks for Tutankhamun's Trumpet
- DD256: "Angels"
- DD269: Whale song and cue M5 for Tutankhamun's Egypt.
- DD277: Trumpet material and cues M4 to M6 for Tutankhamun's Egypt