Talk Out

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Delia created a 26-second signature tune for the 1964 BBC radio series Talk Out, a "modern discussion programme" produced by Humphrey Barclay,[1] which was the equivalent of today's Points of View programme in which listeners send in their comments on the BBC's programmes.

It consists of a couple of bars of Delia's piece Mattachin overlaid with recorded and effected versions of what are described as “out-take mouth noises”, i.e. people saying "Um", "Er", "Talk-Out" and suchlike.

incredible, based almost entirely on studio-recorded voices around 26 seconds of electronic delicacy.
   -- Robin Carmody in Wee also have sound-houses

The pilot programme was not accepted by the Home Service[1] and so it was never broadcast.


Talk Out - Spectrogram.jpg

