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DD074230 is a page that is titled 'R.W - 26.7.63 ' and seems to refer to work to be carried out by Delia and colleagues (there are several references to 'B.H.', Brian Hodges and 'J.B.', John Baker) at the RWS in the following months.

A number of days and dates are mentioned in the pages for example 'Tues Aug 6' and a cross-check shows that in 1963, the 6th of August was a Tuesday.

This page is significant in that it appears to contain the first references to the work of realizing the Doctor Who theme, composed by Ron Grainer. It is known that Delia (with the help of Dick Mills) began the task in August 1963, after initial meetings with Warris Hussein (director of the Dr Who pilot and the first broadcast episode: An Unearthly Child ), Verity Lambert (Producer) and Ron Grainer.

This page confirms this, as it contains the notes "Pending: Dr Who, Warris Hussein, Verity Lambert, Ron Grainer" and "Dr Who Warris Hussein Aug 16th 2.30".

It is also significant in that it lists half a dozen pieces that Delia was working on at the time: Doctor Who, Radio Newsreel, "Dreaming" (which is not Dreaming), Anamorphosis and Gravel.

We can only wonder at what "Church Driven Goth++" might be!


                                                R.W -26.7.63

  Pending: Dr Who                              Dr Who Warris Hussein    Aug 
           Warris Hussein                                               16th 2.30          
           Verity Lambert
           Ron Grainer

      Film ready Aug 20 
           Work,Sept 9..
                                          |Outstanding programmes
                           [crossed out->]|  Piers the Ploughman - David Lyttle           Brian 9th Sept.
                                          |                                                    -19th -
                                          |                                   | holiday  |Sept. (but ring  
                                          |D Music to Midnight. Geoffrey Owen |  /month  |  before 9th Aug.
                                          |                                   |fr.8th Aug|
Dew.[?] tape filt TRW 3008                |
                           [crossed out->]|  Suspense, John Warrington                        by 9th Aug.
               phoneTC.                   |
Maddalena's   no.  2155                   |J Gallery - Margaret Douglas              by 11th Sept.
   Rm.7025         2157                   |
David Young's -    EXT 18                 JM - End.. Giles Cooper       JB               9th Sept.
                      (36)                |
Rm 10: 156                                |J Music, Movement & Mime III               26th Aug. - on
Sort RNR                                                 |D  Dr Who Sig.
Do crystal rhyth.   |                                    |
Do Dreaming mix     |By Aug.26th - send TRW 5016         |J. Heaven
Church Driven Goth++|     to RPCurrent Library (MM&MIII) |D  Anamorphism
        Suspense                                         |D  Gravel
  • TRW 3008 is "Demonstration tape with speech inserts" from 1960, while
  • TRW 5016 is effects for "Music Movement and Mime II" from 1962.[1]
