From WikiDelia
Jump to navigationJump to searchDD091244 is a sheet of Delia's notes for Way Out in Piccadilly written on the back of an envelope.
There is a high-definition scan of it in the Medialink library.
Way Out in Piccadilly ------- Next Week - Prince of Wales wk. on Thursday. ------------ 10 BEL 7482[1] ___________ | 13 Rhythm | 16 dances[?] slowly spacey cont^n.[2] | | ♩ ♩ | |steady 4 \ sh.[?] | 4 / rhythm 4 \ 38 building up 4 / osg[?] x3 4 () --- ----- --- 114 slow 8s 4 . f[?] 4 . 4 . building up. 4 . 4 . 4 . / 4 . ♪ = 3i/ 4 3 X 2 8 / 1s =^= 5 ♪ 4 3 4/ x 13 x 3/ 8s =^= 39 ♪ 4 3 ------------ 3 bars 4 3 10.4 15/ 10 4 3 min9.s. Ends 4 3 swirling 4 3 but steady sh 4 3 ----------- 4 3 Ab|G 4 3 C ♩|♩ Db| 4 C' C' End with 4 ----------- single high 4 [?] [?] [?] spacey tail
[1] "BEL 7482" is probably a phone number, where "BEL" is the exchange and 748X the number. The last digit is unclear.
[2] "contn." = "continuation" ?