The Living World
From 8th July 1968 (maybe up to the 15th September)[1], Delia created two potential signature tunes[2] for a weekly Radio 4[3] BBC programme The Living World with programme code TRW 6886[4] produced by Robina Gyle-Thompson[5] of the Natural History Unit, Bristol and created by zoologist John Sparks.[6]
Both signature tunes seem to have been rejected by John Sparks[7][8] who used a jazz theme instead,[9] leaving Delia hoping that her music might be used in the New Year.[10]
Makeup tapes
The producer at the Natural History Unit, Bristol provided a tape of sound effects, a Mr Ball lent a tape of Eastern Nigerian sound effects for it[11] and Delia also used a tape of library material.[12]
The three source tapes are referred to by Delia as "her tape", "Br's tape"[13] and "Real Nature tape from disk".[14]
Her papers include a folder containing her notes for it and some letters about it.
- DD080922 Folder front cover
- DD081245 Letter from RGT to Desmond Briscoe dated 19th June 1968 "I enclose a tape of some sample noises"
- DD081109 Delia's worksheet dated July 68 "NOT USED" listing sounds by genre
- DD081217 Letter from RGT to Delia dated 15th August 1968 "John Sparks [...] was not too happy"
- DD081157 Letter from RGT to Delia dated 22nd August 1968 "I'll be expecting to hear from John Sparks"
- DD081013 Delia's notes dated 15 Sep "work begins 8th July"
- DD081333 Delia's notes dated 30.10.68 "ROUGH MIX / NAKED SUN TAPE"
- DD080940 Letter to Delia dated 5th November 1968
- DD081347 Rough of letter from Delia to Mr Ball "I am returning the tape of Eastern Nigerian sound effects"
- DD081049 Delia's notes and diagrams "beautiful curlew 9s"
- DD081401 Delia's notes "Try [having?] wind OR Cuc before"
- DD081417 Delia's list of tape labels "LIBRARY TAPE"
- DD081430 Delia's list of animal sound effects "Real Nature tape from disk"
- DD081444 Delia's notes for makeup sounds "Elec."
- DD081456 Delia's notes "her tape / Br's tape / lib."
- DD081511 Delia's diagrams "flutey cicadas"